poetry picnic:

on the road through the countryside, reading the landscape where old field names, streets and things are the starting point of a short story or poem

halfway through the tour we take a break, slow mood, and there will be coffee and tea

June 21 2024
Friday Night Poetry Picnic

Where? Wo! start at Verwalterhaus Berlin, Prenzlauer Allee 1
Wenn: 18.30 (tot circa 20.30 uur)
10,00  (international edition, DE/NL/EN)

➞ please send a mail to make a reservation: info@ilonaverhoeven.nl

past events
pre-pinkster event! 17 May 2024 friday afternoon poetry picnic, with the theme 'found'
Ooijpolder Nijmegen, by bike!
14.30 - 16.30h, € 12,50, incl. drinks

Friday February 2: poetry picnic @ Groundhog Day 2024

boekenweek 2023
[dutch book week]

friday April 23 2023: poetry picnic @ Ooijpolder Nijmegen

sunday March 12: poetry picnic @ Ooijpolder Nijmegen

saturday March 18: poetry picnic @ Boerderij Boterhuys, Warmon

poetry picnic 'special editions' - spoken word

*I am currently working on ‘Het land wordt gemeten in morgens’, poems. I have started with this in Nijmegen and its surroundings. Part of this is the so called poetry picnic: I also go out with other people, colleagues and those interested. Initially in the Ooijpolder, where I am inspired by the old structure of the landscape. Old field names form the starting point of a short story or poem, halfway through the tour we pause for coffee and tea.

In my work process, boundaries between art and life sometimes blur; I am open to contemplative and creative dimensions. For example by means of a small ‘journey’ or an artistic intervention.

Ilona Verhoeven

 blog  www.mixedmediasoup.com

de haas op de oprijlaan
woont in de buurt, niemand weet waar
hij verdwijnt in de morgens
waarin het land geploegd is,
stopt niet met vertellen,
hoeveel gras er groeit
dat er elke ochtend nog gronden zijn

elf hond, bottenkamp,
stenen kamer, kostverloren,
vierdehalve morgen ellendige,
wacht –
donkerswart is geen kleur,
witte steen niet wit
de lange geest geen geest